New Customer

If you do not have a wholesale account with us, apply below for your free online and in-store account! Once approved, you will receive an approval email that will allow you to view pricing and check out. Approvals are usually same day (but may take up to 2 days). Fresno Wholesale is business-to-business only. You will need a valid reseller's permit (business license) or tax-exempt certificate (for a non-profit organization) and show proof that you are authorized to purchase for said business or organization.

    What is your business name?

    First name

    Last name

    Business email

    Phone number

    Employer Identification Number (EIN / ITIN)

    Please upload your re-seller permit. The file cannot exceed 5MB in size and should be in pdf.


    Bill To Business address (US only)





    Zip code




    Ship To Business address (US only)





    Zip code


    Would you like to provide more detail?

    Are you human?


    Have a question about the item itself? Contact our support team.